Monday, October 10, 2011

Menu Planning Monday

Monday: Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, & Green Beans~ we had so many leftovers last week, I didn't get to make this.

Tuesday: Porkchops, Fried Potatoes, & Mac-n-Cheese~again..didn't get to make this last week.

Wednesday: Chinese Stir-Fry (I have a coupon for frozen PF Changs meal), rice, and egg rolls

Thursday: Steak Gyros & chips (we had gyros a few weeks ago, but they were such a big hit the boys requested them again)

Friday: My free night :)

Saturday: BBQ Sandwiches & Fries

Sunday: Lasagna, Salad, & Garlic Bread

What is on your menu this week??

Monday, October 3, 2011

Menu Planning Monday

Monday: Southern Plate's Crunchy Beef Casserole

Tuesday: Ribye Steak Sandwiches and Chips

Wednesday: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, & green beans

Thursday: Southern Plate's Chicken Poulet, Mac-N-Cheese, & Squash

Friday: BBQ Porkchops, Twice-baked Potatoes, & side salad

Saturday: My free day ;)

Sunday: Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Sandwiches

What's on your menu this week??