Friday, October 8, 2010

Beanie Weenies

I grew up on beanie weenies. Maybe it's just a southern thing....or maybe it's just a poor thing. Either way, I love 'em. My sweet, but picky husband on the other hand, had no clue what they were! I stumbled upon this recipe for beanie weenie casserole and I decided to give it a try.

Here are a few modifications I made:
  1. I cooked this on the cooktop instead of a campfire...wasn't feeling that pioneer-ish after work. ;)
  2. I cooked my onions and hot dogs on med heat before I added the other ingredients (I'm not a fan of crunchy onions).
I served with some yummy rolls. This is a quick, one-pot dish that's perfect for busy weeknights....and most importantly, it was a hit with everyone. Hope you like it, too. :o)

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