Monday, October 4, 2010

Menu Planning Monday

This weeks menu is all about budget living. We're saving all of our pennies for our vacation to the mountains in November. I tried really hard to gather meals that included similar ingredients so I could buy in bulk. Here's what we're having this week.

Sunday: Alisha's Lasagna & garlic bread
Monday: Beanie Weenies & rolls; This should be interesting. My husband has never had them-which is always scary for him to try something new. I grew up on them, so I happen to like them. We'll see how it goes. :o)
Tuesday: Crockpot Chicken-n-rice
Wednesday: Dinner out to celebrate a friend's birthday
Thursday: Crockpot Chicken-n-salso
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Game day food-TBD

What's on your menu for the week??

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