Monday, September 20, 2010

Homemade Krystal Burgers

I didn't make half of the meals I had planned last week. Do you guys do that? Life has been busy since school started back, so I've really slacked on the cooking department. I did, however, cook for the football game. My husband isn't a fan of Krystal's hamburgers. I tell him he's not normal because what else is better than a hot Krystal hamburger at 12AM?!? So, to say he was a little hesitant of this recipe is a major understatement. To my surprise (and his), he loved it!! So much so that he has requested it be in the dinner rotation.

The recipe and step-by-step guide can be found HERE. The only alteration I made was I used Sara Lee rolls, and I added a squirt of mustard to mine. ;o)

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